Monday, September 10, 2007

Downtown G-boro Contour #3

This particular drawing was fun to draw, even though I drew most of it very wrong. For starters, I picked this particular angle of Greensboro because I wanted a cool drawing with that tall building in the background in it. Although, a good ways into drawing this, I realized that the top of that very building, which is the best part of it, was not going to fit into the picture. I debated with myself whether or not to redraw it and make the parking garage a bit smaller so I could fit the building in. But I ultimately decided to keep drawing--simply to see what the outcome would be. I found that, aside from the badly drawn parking garage windows, it turned out quite lovely. I like how the attention is being drawn right to the building in the background. It is gorgeous and elegant, even without its roof showing.


Hanna said...

This looks amazing! I love how you put a lot of detail in the building in the back, it really draws your eye to look at it..good job!

Monique N. Farley said...

i hate you...its soooo good....i wish mine turned out that good..