Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Don't Move!

I surprised myself at how well these turned out. They don't necessarily look exactly like the actual people I was drawing, but the proportions look right. They actually look like people! The topmost picture is Sara Easterling and the bottom one is my roommate Sarah.

People Contours Continued

These are the rest of my people contours. So far I am not very proud of them, but I'm going to keep on trying. The only way to go is up.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Contours of people

For this assignment, we were asked to draw contours of people--cue scary music. We were told to put more than one person in every drawing. Technically, there is more than one person in the above drawing--two of them just happen to be in a picture behind the actual person I was drawing. Anyway, this is my roommate Jen. It looks nothing like her. I've found that people are much harder to draw than I thought. If you draw just one line wrong, then it looks like a completely different person.

Egg Project

This was our first official project for our design class. The objective was to design an environment for an egg that celebrated a quality of that egg. The catch was we had to use paper....only paper. No adhesive of any kind. It was tricky coming up with an idea, but I finally settled on weaving a small basket and putting it up on these q-tip sticks to celebrate the egg's fragility. It took a while to get the craft right, but I think it turned out pretty cool looking. Who knew so many things could be done with just paper?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bicycle Neg. Space Contour

This negative space drawing turned out a lot better than I thought it would. The proportions are pretty right on. I'm sad to say, though, that I now pretty much hate any and all bicycle spokes. Sigh....it's a small price to pay--comes with the territory.

Downtown G-boro Contour #4

This picture turned out pretty cool. again, I like how the attention is being pulled towards the building, which was what I wanted the main focus of the contour to be. I think I could have spent a little more time on the tree in the foreground, though. It looks a bit carelessly done. Overall, though, it's not that bad.

Downtown G-boro Contour #3

This particular drawing was fun to draw, even though I drew most of it very wrong. For starters, I picked this particular angle of Greensboro because I wanted a cool drawing with that tall building in the background in it. Although, a good ways into drawing this, I realized that the top of that very building, which is the best part of it, was not going to fit into the picture. I debated with myself whether or not to redraw it and make the parking garage a bit smaller so I could fit the building in. But I ultimately decided to keep drawing--simply to see what the outcome would be. I found that, aside from the badly drawn parking garage windows, it turned out quite lovely. I like how the attention is being drawn right to the building in the background. It is gorgeous and elegant, even without its roof showing.

Downtown G-boro Contour #2

This contour is my least favorite. I should have made the lines on the fence a lot straighter and darker since they are the closest thing. There isn't much detail or beauty to the picture. I'm trying to get into the frame of mind where it is okay with me to make not so okay things sometimes. Beauty lies in imperfection, right?

Downtown G-boro Contour #1

This is a view of the city of Greensboro from a park bench. I think this drawing turned out pretty well for the most part. I'm proud of myself that I made the little building with the funny roof look like the real thing. I was a bit skeptical when I was drawing it, but I am pleased with the outcome. Like always, though, it could be greatly improved--although what in this world cannot be?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Campus Contour (after)

And here is my second attempt of the same angle. I think the main reason it looks better is because I actually got the building in this picture in the background. I still need to work on my confidence in myself with the lines that I make. It shows that I'm a little unsure of myself with the slight wavering of the lines. The more I do it, though, the more confident I will get.

Campus Contour (before)

This assignment was to do a contour drawing of a spot on campus. This is my first attempt at it. It could definitely use some improvement. But hey, that's what I'm in school for, right?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Contour Drawings!!

This is a contour drawing of a stool.
This assignment was supposed to be to draw my hand for thirty minutes without looking at the paper. The purpose was to show us how to look at the finer details of what we are drawing and to realize that there is no such thing as perfect.

A contour of my friend's flowers.

A contour of another chair.