Monday, September 1, 2008

Second Year

^leah and jenny being goofy while putting together our project
So here we are again, back in the Gatewood building. It is the ending of the first week of my second in the Interior architecture program, and I have to say, it is starting out much like I thought it would. Everyone knew that as soon as we stepped foot inside the building, we would get lots of new projects and things to do--we were so right, too. The difference this year is that we knew what to expect and how to budget our time, so I find myself getting less stressed out than last year over the amount of assignments the teachers have given us.

This year is going to have a lot of team work in it. We are separated into groups and asked to accomplish assignments together. This first week we were asked to do a project on wayfinding. A couple of people in our group got together one of the night and actually had a really good time putting together our project. Then after presenting our individual goup projects, the whole class got together and combined those project together into one larger project. That experience was an interesting one. Ever heard the phrase "Too many cooks, not enough chefs?" That's kind of how that day turned out. So many people had ideas, so many people couldn't speak loud enough to voice them, and lots of people just didn't help. That's definitely something we need to work on.

Over all, I am loving second year and can't wait to get more projects!

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