Sunday, October 4, 2009

Painting the Shoes Red

Over the weekend, Diana and I dipped lots and lots of shoes in red paint! They're for our guerrilla marketing project for the new Salvation Army store that we are helping to design. We are going to set them up in installations in high traffic areas around the store. We had SOOOO much fun doing this--I mean, this is something that we've never been allowed to do before. Whose parents would have dared let their children dip their shoes in paint?? None that I know.

What really made me happy about it was that the actual dipping of the shoes was also kind of a guerrilla marketing strategy in itself. Students (along with a couple visiting families) did a double-take as they passed, made a u-turn, and started chirping questions to us about what the heck we were doing. Hopefully, the image of us dipping shoes in red paint was weird enough of a memory for it to stand out to them, and they will pass it on to their friends later. Voila! Now people know a little more about Salvation Army by word-of-mouth. Anything to raise awareness. Hopefully we'll keep getting shoes so we can do this again next weekend and confuse more people. In the meantime, here are some cool images from the weekend.

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